3 Mistakes Every Amateur Street Photographer Does!


Wandering on the streets or walk through the streets is the best way to observe the moments and capture them with your camera in a most effective way. However, it seems simple, but it is not in reality. After all, wandering around the streets with a camera or heading towards someone may become the reason of annoyance or you may look suspicious to the crowd. Hence, you need a basic understanding of becoming the beautifying your street pictures without being a in the notice.

Here, we are trying to articulate three common mistakes every new street photographer does, and removing those mistakes, they can create a huge walkthrough gallery by capturing the moments of life on the streets in a more brilliant way. Take a look at those mistakes:

Plan a Lot before Going to Shoot and During Shoot
If you are the beginner in the street photography and not much familiar with the tricks and methods, then we make you clear that there are no big tricks to capture the best moments. Street photography just needs an observer to look at the activities and moments happening on the streets. If you are thinking a lot before taking a picture for the quality, then you may miss the moment, which can create a classic story or classical presentation of a specific moment. If you are planning a lot while ready to click the shutter, then can be your another failure to miss some beautiful moment. 

Street Photography London

Don’t think big and enjoy every moment you find on streets. Capture the interesting moments without thinking too much. It is a type of photography which doesn’t need a lot of deep thinking, just a love for wandering and observe the things happening near you. At the time of shooting, don’t waste too much time in settings. Editing can be handled later. 

Travel with Heavy Camera Bags:
Carrying a lot of camera accessories, such as large lenses including the bulky camera can cause problems while wandering around the streets. It can create discomfort while capturing pictures. And, you can also come into the notice of the people. You should always opt for the camera which you can carry easily and take it to anywhere. Apart from this, big lenses should be avoided. Several compact cameras with medium sized lenses do well for eccentric street photography. So, always carry your essentials and basic camera accessories with you while travelling for click the emotions and humanity over the streets.

Hold the Camera Wrong:
Most novice photographers make a mistake while shooting on the streets. They often hold the camera to the level of eye, which causes people to look at them suspiciously. Due to this, you can also miss the moment for which you waited long. You can shoot brilliantly looking through the viewfinder, or can also choose hip shooting. You can take your camera to eye level for a moment, and then take it below and look through the view finder for snapping the picture.

So, avoiding these three common mistakes, one can easily become a good street photographer and can capture great moments in the camera.

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